Mesotherapy Treatment in Chennai

Mesotherapy Cost in Chennai

Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment aimed at diminishing problem areas on the face and body. It is administered via numerous types of FDA approved medicines, vitamins and minerals directly into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin which results in healthier, smoother and radiant skin. Mesotherapy is a medical technique innovated in the 1950s by a Frenchman called Dr.Michel Pistor. It was initially used to treat rheumatism, sports injuries, and for the improvement of blood circulation. Today, Mesotherapy is treated with success for cosmetic conditions like skin rejuvenation and improvement, hair regrowth and treatment of fatty tissue.

How does Mesotherapy work for Skin?

  • The procedure involves tiny superficial injections of Hyaluronic Acid or other cocktail combinations directly into the epidermis and mesoderm (middle layer) which helps to nourish, rejuvenate, boost cell activity and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. After a course of Mesotherapy injections, your skin will look not only hydrated and glowing but also radiantand firmer. Following a healthy diet and a routine exercise regimen can help enhance the results of mesotherapy.
  • Mesotherapy can be more effective with a course of 4-6 treatments at the interval of 2-4 weeks.
  • There may be some superficial swelling and signs of tiny needle marks after treatment which will settle in 24-48 hours. This may take a little longer around the eye area so clients may need a longer recovery time.
  • This can be done with local anesthetic for approximately 30 minutes before your treatment to ensure client comfort.

Benefits of Mesotherapy Treatment for Skin

  • Quick, Easy and painless
  • Overall skin rejuvenation
  • Increased firmness, toning, and elasticity of the skin
  • Improved skin’s complexion and radiance
  • Prevention of wrinkles

Mesotherapy for Hair-Loss

Mesotherapy is also a treatment for baldness for both men and women with hair regrowth. Both men and women suffer from thinning hair which makes them seek treatment for hair loss. Male pattern baldness is also a serious concern for a large portion of the population. Today Mesotherapy is more effective than tablets in hair rejuvenation and restoration.

Though there is no permanent treatment for baldness, mesotherapy has made it easier for patients by not only reducing hair loss but also promoting new hair growth and in the process effectively delaying the onset of baldness by a couple of years to decade or more in some cases.

With Mesotherapy, Dr.Senthil Sivaprakasam treats hair loss via injection gun to neutralize the DHT hormone, which is considered to be the main cause of the onset of baldness. When mesotherapy is combined with proper oral and topical treatments, it can be effective in preventing the need for Hair Transplant surgery. It is a simple, safe and painless treatment. Ideally takes between 10 and 30 minute depending on the extent of area to be treated.

Normally, in order to maintain the results, doctor recommends the treatment every 2 weeks for the first 2-3 months. Then the frequency gradually decreases as the results of hair rejuvenation become evident after 2-3 months.

Authored By Dr.Senthil Sivaprakasam - Dermatology MBBS MD, Chennai